DVD – IMPACT – teaching safe landings

Gymnastics coaches are not the world experts in safe landings (martial arts coaches are better) but our gyms are the best equipped and most easily accessible venues for teaching all athletes how “not to hurt themselves” when falling.

In Gymnastics I’d name Keith Russell (Canada) as principle evangelist teaching safe landings.

But the best landings video comes from the late, great expert videographer coach Charles Minster from Tasmania.

It’s called IMPACT – Safe landings — but sadly seems to be no longer available.

Click PLAY or watch a short sample of the DVD on YouTube.

The DVD teaches landing SKILLS. Then progresses to games and activities appropriate for all athletes.

There are testimonials from Aussie Rules football coaches, for example. (It reminds me of when the famed Crusaders professional rugby team trained safety rolls at Christchurch School of Gymnastics in New Zealand.)


NEW Inside Action Sports magazine

Chris Korotky of Inside Gymnastics magazine was missing at Worlds Qatar.

Turns out he’s been hard at work on a NEW print and digital magazine launching March 2019.

This profile-oriented, lifestyle magazine features skateboarding, BMX, moto X, ninja sports, martial arts, surfing, snowboarding, mountain biking & more!


Like their page on Facebook.

GSP learns forward salto full twist

The MMA legend has been training Gymnastics for some years now.

Click PLAY or watch it on Twitter.

In a related celebrity post, Derek Hough tries Gymnastics.

Click PLAY or watch it on Facebook.