Ballet4sports – Julia Spivak

Julia is a top Gymnastics choreographer from my home town ➙ Calgary, Canada.

She choreographed Ellie Black’s excellent routine from 2022 Worlds.

Happily, Julia finally has a website where she offers choreography, workshops, and even mentorship of new choreographers.

Check it out:

It’s a work in progress with still some missing content.

Follow Ballet4sports on Instagram, as well.

dance team – Nicholas Brothers

The Nicholas Brothers, Fayard (1914–2006) and Harold (1921–2000), were best known for their unique interpretation of a highly acrobatic technique known as “flash dancing“, they were also considered by many to be the greatest tap dancers of their day, if not all time.

Their virtuoso performance in the musical number “Jumpin’ Jive” (with Cab Calloway and his orchestra) featured in the 1943 movie Stormy Weather has been praised as one of the greatest dance routines ever captured on film. …

Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.