Alicia at Visas

Kick open that front.

via Pushy Queen

Talk about tearing your Achilles in training at 2011 Worlds.

In Japan, I was in a good amount of pain. We were actually testing out different methods of tape to try and alleviate my Achilles pain. I woke up one day and something just felt off. I was actually doing a dismount off beam and I was like, I think I’m going to tear my Achilles today. It hurt so bad. Second pass on my floor routine I just hear this pop and I landed flat on my back. I looked around and I was like, I think I broke the floor. Does somebody want to check this? Everybody pauses because they heard it over the music. It was that loud. They’re humoring me, checking the floor, but I was like, oh man. It’s my Achilles. I know it. I flew back to the states two days later and had surgery. …

That’s from a profile piece by NBC – Getting to know Alicia Sacramone

I first became a fan of Alicia Sacramone at Visa Championships oh so long ago. She’s larger than life in person. Dominating the gym with personality.

related – Beam training VIDEO

related – Chellsie (not competing) has signed on for the post-Olympics Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics Champions

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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