GBR Men training as coaches

Members of the senior and junior men’s artistic squad have begun their coaching journey, in a bid to inspire the next generation of budding gymnasts.

Gymnasts have recently undertaken the latest practical and theory sessions of their UKCC Level 1 Men’s Artistic Coaching Award at Lilleshall National Sports Centre …

The course has been broken down into bitesize chunks to fit around the gymnasts training camps when at Lilleshall. The seniors began their course last November, the juniors started theirs in January, and final assessments are due to take place in August. …

On Monday evening, senior gymnasts including Adam Tobin, Dom Cunningham, Donell Osbourne, Jamie Lewis, Joe Cemlyn-Jones, Joe Fraser, Joshua Nathan, Nile Wilson and Pavel Karnejenko continued the theory part of the course.

Then on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, following training, junior gymnasts Jake Johnson, Korben Fellows, Matthew Boardman, Raekwon Baptiste, Sam Mostowfi and Sam Ghinn took part in the practical part of the course. …

British Gymnastics

It’s not uncommon for nations to fast-track National Team members as coaches and judges.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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