Interview with Vanessa Atler

Like most everyone else, I was a huge fan of Vanessa in the late 1990s. And was disappointed that she did not make the 2000 Olympics for USA.


Looking back, I’m glad I did not make it. I believe with the frame of mind I was in, I probably would have gotten hurt or done terrible. But don’t get me wrong, to not be able to say I’m an Olympian still hurts me everyday. If the trials were in 1999, then yes I should have gone. But oh what a difference a year makes.

Triple Twist – Moving Forward- An Interview with Vanessa Atler

An excellent catch-up with the first American gymnast to compete Rudi on Vault.

Today Vanessa is a coach, a Mom … and an aspiring children’s book author. πŸ™‚


Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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