bring $ to USA Congress

For the second year in a row I’ll be at USA Congress as the guest of Tumbl Trak.

If you are going to Hartford, look for me at their booth.

Why Visit?

SAVE 15% off any equipment orders placed at our booth. In addition to this discount, you can also save shipping costs by purchasing equipment we bring onsite …

USGSA Coupon Promotions & Rapid Deals

CELEBRATE! To commemorate our 25th anniversary, we will be having a party at our booth on Friday at 1 pm. Meet World Champion and Olympic Silver Medalist Chellsie Memmel (who will be signing autographs).

FREE GIVE-AWAYS! We will be giving away a $250 Gift Certificate every 10 minutes during the hour long celebration as our way of say “THANKS” for 25 years.
… Chocolate coins given away to everyone who stops by the booth!

New products to inspect are Laser Beam and the new Handstand Homework Mats.

tumbl trak

Norberts has a great Congress Trade Show Sale, as well. As do many booths.

I picked up some wonderful product at amazing prices last year.


Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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