Men’s Trampoline Results

1 DONG Dong CHN 110.479 Q
2 LU Chunlong CHN 109.270 Q
3 ITO Masaki JPN 108.790 Q

But who qualified one place for their nation to the Olympics today?

The places qualifying the NOCs for the Games are led by Canada’s Jason Burnett in fourth rank, followed by Diogo Ganchinho of Portugal, Blake Gaudry (AUS) and Henrik Stehlik (GER). The list of qualifiers will be officially confirmed shortly.

I heard GLUCKSTEIN will have earned one for USA. And assume that CANNONE will earn one for Italy.

details and link to results on FIG – Trampoline Gymnastics – Men’s Competition

photo by Grace Chiu

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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