recovery from dislocated kneecap

There’s not much talk in Tokyo about the American team being “weaker” after the injury to Rebecca Bross. They are so deep that the change in line-up probably only makes a difference of a couple of tenths.

Rebecca dislocated her kneecap (surgery Aug 25th), much like what happened to Christine (Peng Peng) Lee in May.

Here’s Christine a few days ago (far left), the patella still taped for safety.

Today she did full mock meet without tape. Added double layout on Floor. Landed Yurchenko 1 1/2 twist. That’s about 4 months since the injury.

Bross will be back. And soon.

Canada looked great on the competition podium today, by the way. All 7 gymnasts hit Bars, Floor and Vault (I believe). Beam … Well, you don’t want to peak too early. 🙂

related – FIG – Canada ready to soar in Tokyo

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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