college gymnasts more entertaining than elite

The College Gymnastics season begins. I’m happy, happy.

UCLA Gymnastics vs Utah Preview

Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.

Kate Richardson competed in the 2000 and 2004 Olympics, finishing 7th on Floor in Athens.

Here she is, a few years ago, competing Floor for UCLA.

Click PLAY or watch Kate on YouTube.

Great tumbling. Interesting and unusual (College) dance.

Andrew Thornton used this routine as just one example of how college gymnasts have more entertaining floor routines than most elites.

Check Andrew’s American Gymnast blog post where he show other examples: Jamie Dantscher, Allyse Ishino and Tabitha Yim.

In College “entertainment” value is more important than difficulty. The best of example of that was Courtney McCool dominating Floor Exercise in 2008 all season. And winning the NCAA Championships on Floor that year despite having no double salto on FX.

Judges agreed that McCool’s was the most entertaining and “cleanest” routine of the finalists.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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