gymnastics – Reisport Protec Bars grips

The latest in a series of video tutorials from Jay Thornton.

… These Protec Gymnastics Grips actually have a palm that is made up of 2 pieces of leather with a Kevlar bond sandwiched in-between.

Because of this chemical bond, the grips are stronger than some other styles and they don’t stretch as much as normal grips. Since they stretch less than other dowel grips, it can take a little bit of time to get used to the way that they feel.

We generally recommend this style of grips to higher level optional girls (Levels 9, 10 & Elite) that are breaking other styles of grips more frequently than they should. We sell a lot of the Protec grips to womens collegiate gymnastics teams. …

Click PLAY or watch it on American Gymnast.

The previous 2 videos in this series – choosing handguards for gymnasts

I’ve not bought Protecs. Leave a comment if you have an opinion on them.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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