gymnastics – The Secret of Deva

I finally saw this low budget Romanian documentary.

… famous for the legendary gymnast Nadia Comaneci, and its boarding school, which for decades has trained world class gymnasts.

Pitic and Malina might be two of its future stars, but the long road to the podium is full of deprivation. They are eight and nine years old and have been at the school in Deva since they were six. They train for four hours every day and spend the rest of their time in school.

This documentary follows the girls … leading up to their first and most important competition, capturing an intimate and moving insight into the contrast between their dreams, and the often harsh reality.

I’ve got mixed feelings. Perhaps that’s not surprising. I’ve got mixed feelings about Romanian gymnastics.

On the one hand, with a population only about as large as Texas, one of the poorest nations in Europe consistently bested Russia, China and the U.S.A.

Their girls were incredibly tough on Floor and Beam. For decades after Nadia.

On the other hand, I’ve heard more nonsense coaching theory from Romanians than any place else in the world. What kind of coach education system have they had there? None? I’m told there’s an intensive program. I’d love to see the curriculum.

The 3 coaches highlighted in this film are excellent examples of how not to coach.

Yes I realize I’m imposing Western values on Romania. Aside from ethics, what’s shown in the documentary is simply not the best way to develop elite gymnasts.

I do get the impression that things have improved there since Nicolae Forminte took over as National Coach.

Leave a comment if you know where people can download or stream The Secret of Deva.

Related posts:

• remember Adriana Giurca (1982-1993)

allegations of gymnast abuse in Romania posts a Wall of Shame naming coaches who have been accused of being abusive.

(via Stephthemagicdragon on IG forum)

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

One thought on “gymnastics – The Secret of Deva”

  1. I don’t think anybody in America, or the western world for that matter, should point fingers at other people in regards to abuse. Abuse has been rampant in the US, the UK, Australia, and many other places. Yeah, Florin Gheorghe was dumb and violent, and ended up in jail, which he deserved. I somehow have the feeling that some people are jealous of success, and try to bring the competition down by way of smearing, rather than improving themselves.


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