new blog – The Gym Press

Valentin Uzunov, editor of the excellent Gym Press on-line magazine, has added a blog:

Update your link to the new URL.

It has an RSS feed, so I can keep track of what’s new in New Zealand between issues.

You can download the newsletter (free) there. Valentin is planning many new features. He’s one of the most active coaches on the net, a video expert.

For a sample post, check out the feature on 16-year-old Misha Koudinov from North Harbour Gymnastics who attempted to qualify for the 2008 Olympics.

He is the best prepared male gymnast, for his age and physical maturity, this country has ever seen.


The Gym Press: Happy Birthday Misha

For the 2000 Olympics, New Zealand qualified a “Wild Card”, Kiwi David Phillips, who trained with us at Taiso in Canada. David finished a very respectable 52nd All Around. He had a fantastic career.

That same year, Kyle Shewfelt from Canada qualified last minute, the youngest male competitor in Sydney.

Unfortunately, the even younger Misha did not get through to Beijing. But we’ll be looking for him next quadrennial!

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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