Scottish Gymnastics improving

tumblr_nwyp7a3Mu91sklz4fo4_250 Daniel Purvis is the only Scot in the Great Britain team at the event in Glasgow this week.
Membership has grown by 13% since last year, with more than 20,000 members at 147 affiliated clubs across Scotland. …

“We’ve got the coaches but they’ve got other jobs because they can’t afford to just coach or the children can’t get out of school during the day – there’s no point in them being there if the children aren’t there.

“We’ve got the facilities but we’re sharing them with pre-school, recreational gymnasts and gymnastic parties, things like that.”

Twelve-year plan to increase World class Scottish gymnasts

I visited Dynamite Gymnastics in Glasgow. The kids are excited for a new facility currently under construction.

In fact, 40 different Scottish Gyms have facility improvement plans in the works.

BBC Gymnastics

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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