Artistry awards for women

I spoke to one of the Longines guys at #Glasgow2015. Asked him the process for 2015.

He told me everything is TOP SECRET.


Some panel will make the decision. The gymternet will disagree. The usual.

Since it’s impossible to consistently score artistry, I’d love to see a parallel set of awards – something like Longines – at the major FIG meets. Awarded just prior to the medals on each apparatus.

Instead of some mystery panel, those awards should be decided by FIG judges. For 2015 gymnasts like Vasiliki Millousi, Eythora Thorsdottir, Viktoria Komova, Lieke and Sanne Wevers are examples of those in the running.

Floor is the most exciting apparatus this year, I’d say. But of many great routines (Simone, for example) I’d vote for Eythora.

Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.

The most artistic gymnasts look fantastic … even when they make mistakes. 🙂 A dancer can admire this choreography. A dancer will cringe watching the majority of 2015 routines.

To me, artistry is the ability to perform and sell the routine- while being in sync with the music. Simone Biles does this. Laurie Hernandez does this. Llomincia Hall does this. Catherine Lyons does this. …

My point is- artistry is not always about being the most graceful or having beautiful balletic lines. Sure it’s nice to see, but unfortunately not everybody can move like that. I don’t want to see Simone Biles doing Aliya Mustafina’s floor routine! It just wouldn’t look right! Every gymnast has to do a routine that works for them. …

Triple Twist – The Artistry Debate (2014)

related – Hard Way To Success – Episode 19 – Eythora Thorsdottir (July 2015)

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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