Central Michigan Gymnastics Camp

I dropped in for the first 2 days of the CMU Camp on invitation from Head Coach Jerry Reighard. He and CMU Associate Head Coach Christine MacDonald were very welcoming. They have 49 years experience combined running this team. 🙂

CMU has a superb campus facility with 7 beam stations, 6 bar stations, 3 vault stations and a floor exercise practice area with four pit areas. The facility also includes a pits and a competition setup for each apparatus and in-ground trampolines one with a Russian “tramp catcher” as well as a 60ft Tumbl Trak.

CMU Camp

Over 115 girls registered this year. It looks like Camp may expand to two weeks in 2016.

Though they had girls of all levels, the Level 9-10 gymnasts impressed me most. It’s an excellent idea for girls looking for a future scholarship to register for College Camps like this. Coaches know you are serious when you arrive in person to show what you can do.


Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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