Gymnova Inflatable Floor

The main advantage of this product is its quick installation and deflation.

Connect the inflators and your floor is ready for use within a few minutes …

It can be easily stored (folded dimensions of the floor = 153 x 120 x 90cm … and can be transported in the back of a small van.

This inflatable floor establishes itself as the natural first choice for all your workshops and on-the-go demonstrations.

Once inflated, it will remain inflated for several days without using the inflators. A gauge allows pressure monitoring and this can be adjusted simply thereby creating the rebound and stiffness of the floor to suit all your training needs.

details (not sure of the cost)

Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.

The main disadvantage, of course, is trying to land on a force elastic surface. Difficult and potentially dangerous.

Air is great for takeoff. But I’d like the athletes to be landing on force absorbing mats on top of the Air Floor.

(via Nick Blanton)

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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