Georgia 197.450 – Utah 197.275

Big upset.

Georgia so badly needed that 197 and so badly needed that win. Certainly their most complete performance of the season. …

Utah looked solid enough on both bars and beam. No real issues there, which is unusual for Utah that those would be the strong events, but they were today. Vault did not have the landings, but they really gave the meet away completely with that poor floor rotation. What were some of those landings? Just makes that little bit of doubt creep in.

Utah’s 197.275 is not enough to see them climb ahead of LSU in the rankings. Georgia’s score is strong enough, however, to see them jump ahead of Nebraska in the rankings for the week. …

Balance Beam Situation

Georgia Seniors.


This just in: Chelsea Davis is now #4 all-time in Georgia history in career bars points with 562.900.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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