ban tobogganing – it’s too DANGEROUS

My home town Calgary is not quite as stupid as, for example, Hamilton. 🙂

But we’re pretty stupid. Socialist nations like Canada have governments with enough spare time to invent city bylaws like: “those who slide outside the city’s 18 approved hills could face a $100 fine”.

Calgary’s media has made much ado about the city’s tobogganing rules in recent weeks — to the point where Mayor Naheed Nenshi blamed “bored journalists” trying to stir up controversy.

Now Rick Mercer has taken it upon himself to poke a bit of fun at (the) bylaw ..

(For the record, the city does not recall ever giving out a tobogganing fine. Ever.)


Click PLAY or watch comedian Rick Mercer on YouTube.

Certainly no Calgarian I know pays any attention to tobogganing restrictions. We slide wherever we want. But with one eye out in case a Toboggan Cop shows up. 🙂

related – Tobogganing Bans Or Restrictions Growing Across North America

Over protective restrictions on youth activity contribute to child obesity. We want kids tobogganing more, not less.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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