Tatiana Nabieva – new interview

Gigi Khazback Farid:

Tatiana: I retired because of the bad injury I sustained at the World Championships during training. After that I thought again- is it worth continuing? I think that my fall was terrible. That is why after the competition in France I decided to retire.

Gigi: You post a lot of videos of yourself training in the gym which made a lot of fans confused about your retirement, what is the story behind these videos?

Tatiana: I am back for the Russian Championships where I will compete for my team- Saint Petersburg. About the videos- I am just doing it for fun, i don’t want to lose shape. And maybe it will help me achieve something more? …

Gigi: Now that you have retired, what are you planning to do with your life?

Tatiana: Currently beside training, I train kids. They love me. I want to be as good as the Kiryashovs were to me …

Nabieva coaching
photo via RRG

Gigi: In the vault event final at the 2010 World championships, both of your vaults were downgraded and your coaches tried to file an inquiry but it was too late. … do you feel robbed?

Tatiana: … I don’t feel I was robbed. I guess I deserved the position which they put me in.

Tatiana Nabieva “Why I Retired”

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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