Gabby’s back in the gym

The Olympic all-around champion returned to the gym Monday, going through her first practice since the London Games after meeting with coach Liang Chow to discuss her comeback plan.

“She is very excited to be coming back,” Chow told The Associated Press. “She can’t wait any longer.” …

… Douglas will live with her host family, the Partons, until her brother, John, a high school track star, graduates next month and goes to college. Hawkins and her other two daughters may then relocate to Iowa, or Douglas could stay with the Partons and have her family visit. …

NANCY ARMOUR – Beam Her up: Gabby Douglas Is Back in the Gym

Perfect timing. Chris Saccullo just posted a new video titled – Try Again. 🙂

Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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