jumps out of tumbling

The 2016 Code of Points is far from finalized. Rumour is that we will be returning to 10 counting skills for WAG, to match MAG.

In the end, what will happen to the trend of jumping out of landings?

Mr. Hang on Gymnast #391 reluctantly concedes he’s starting to like them. Just as they are likely to be restricted over the next 4yrs.

I’ve always liked them — when done well. Gabby’s split jump is far better executed than her double tuck 🙂 … but note she still takes a landing deduction after the jump.

Amplitude and split should be specified. No bonus awarded.

The problem with the last Code was too many low, soft stag jumps. In fact, I’d be satisfied if the jump had to be full split with straight legs, over hip height.

There are three alternatives:

1) simple somersault out of a more complex somersault. Love it.

2. “stuck” landings like MAG

Top male gymnasts know how to land safely. The technique used by Kohei Uchimura in his best years — that’s the technique we want to encourage for WAG.

Click PLAY or watch a stuck landing montage on YouTube.

Unfortunately, WAG judging over the past 4yrs has been poor. Superb landings like those are often wrongly deducted. “Chest low” or some such thickheadedness.

Girls who stick sometimes gain no score advantage over those who don’t. How many times has Vanessa Ferrari been burned? Not getting real credit for her excellent landings.

3) lunge step back to presentation.

I still like the lunge step back for WAG. It’s the safest landing (absorbing impact force over time and distance) and is aesthetically pleasing for WAG.

I’m sure some readers will disagree. Feel free to rant in the comments.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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