Aussie squad for 2016

Brigid linked to a far more informative than usual Gymnastics Australia report:

GA Women’s Junior Camp, Canberra, August 31 – September 4, 2012:

Last weekend, at the AIS in Canberra, Gymnastics Australia held the first training camp for the 2013-2016 Olympic Cycle.

Jo Richards, Gymnastics Australia’s Women’s National Junior Development Co-ordinator, provides a review …

24 of our best, keen, young female gymnasts and their coaches flew into Canberra for 5 days of everything gymnastics. It was a great few days filled with plenty of skill development, video education, mentoring, hot and cold spas, … everyone enthusiastically working together with a common goal – improving the standard of Australian Gymnastics.

There were plenty of great D dismounts off beam and bars – all forms of double backs were seen with all programs embracing the National direction of double rotations off beam and backwards landing dismounts off bars.

… they were all challenged but enjoyed working with choreographer Stacey Umeh on their beam and floor dance bonus.

A highlight of the camp was the exquisite quality and skill direction demonstrated by Peter Abbott and his young WAIS crew – many Adlers, Double layouts, Hindorfs and Shaps were on display. Way to go Pete! Brooke Callcott’s inside stalder and ‘L’ grip endos along with Molly McKenzie’s excellent bar form, including her sky high Hindorf and ‘true’ double layout bars dismount were great. Georgia Godwin (MBC) showed some new Weiler kips on bars – another great skill choice. Maddi Leydin’s (VWHPC) Markelov was huge! …

During the camp all girls participated in the Physical testing. Congratulations to:

• The ‘most physically prepared athlete’ Emma Curry (MLC/Waverley) – full credit to Emma’s long term coach Michelle De Highden. Emma also won the Press to handstands and Cast to handstands (13 each);

• Eden Tarvit (QAS) was best on the chin-ups with 19 performed under test conditions in 30 seconds. She also had the longest standing broad jump – 74.5 cm longer than her standing height;

• Emily Conran (QAS) won the leg lifts with 23 in 30 seconds;

• Karla Danelutti (Balance) was the fastest at the rope climb and can also jump a whopping 2m 32cm;

• Emma, Brooke Callcott and Darcy Norman (both WAIS) were the most proficient at the kip to handstands (11 good ones in a row);


Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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