Bars: Shushunova vs Monckton

At the start of this montage is a slow motion clip of Yelena Shushunova doing the Shushunova on Bars — currently over-valued as a G skill in the Code (3.703).

Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.

At the time called a full-twisting Tkachev, it’s clearly got nothing in common with the full-twisting Tkachev introduced by Valeri Liukin. It’s much more a giant with a half turn to a Markelov.

If you’re searching the WAG Code for that, they spell her name both Shushunova and Schuschunova. (Does anyone ever proof read that document?)

Alicia notes that she can’t recall seeing any current gymnasts doing this skill on 1-arm like Shushanova. Instead they finish the Blind Change on both hands (mixed grip) before doing the Markelov. Much easier.

And, in fact, the skill done from Blind with legs together — the Monckton — was valued as only a D-part (PDF) following World Championships Tokyo.

Click PLAY or watch Mary Anne Monckton’s skill on YouTube.

I’m OK with Monckton as a D-part. Shushunova’s still way over-valued.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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