Savona to miss Worlds

… Although 2011 Canadian all-around silver medalist Jessica Savona will miss this fall’s world championships because of a torn left ACL, she told IG she is keeping busy and staying optimistic during her varied regimen of rehabilitation. …

Savona said she is encouraged by the analysis of her injury by her physiotherapist, Randy Foster, who has compared it with the right ACL she tore in 2008.

“(Foster) is saying that the recovery on the left knee is a lot better than my right, and my left knee seems to be healing a lot faster with more progress than what was seen with my right,” Savona told IG. “Therefore, he and I believe that I will hopefully be back sooner than expected …

JOHN CRUMLISH in IG – Canada’s Savona Takes ACL Rehab Step By Step

Peng Peng and Savona

Coach Sue Manjak will go to Worlds with Savona’s teammates Peng Peng Lee and Mikaela Gerber. Jessica will be home doing rehab with coaches Kelly Manjak and Lorne Bobkin.

With Savona I felt Canada could easily qualify as a team to the Olympics (top 12).

Now she must count on her team to get to London … AND rehab in time to try out for the Olympics.

If anyone can do it, Savona can.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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