Uchimura, Tsurumi win Japan Cup

UPDATE: THE ALL AROUND has the most detailed meet report I’ve seen.

Two-time world champion Kohei Uchimura won the all-around title at the Japan Cup at home in Tokyo on Sunday.

Uchimura posted an impressive 93.150 to top China’s Liao Qiuhua (89.500) and Danell Leyva of the United States (89.200). …

Koko Tsurumi (claimed) the women’s gold. The 2009 world all-around bronze medalist scored 56.100, just ahead of China’s Sui Lu, who earned 56.000. Sui’s teammate Yao Jinnan claimed bronze (55.300). …

Full results and more on Universal

Ron Noe points out that the talk of fear of traveling to Tokyo due to radiation is likely finished.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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