Cheer an NCAA sport?

Ono sends us this link to the NY Times:

… two groups are asking the National Collegiate Athletic Association to recognize a new version of cheerleading as an “emerging sport” for women, a precursor to full status as a championship sport. If successful, dozens of athletic programs could begin to fully finance cheerleading teams, recruit scholarship athletes and send them to a national championship.

The implications go beyond giving cheerleading a stamp of legitimacy. If this more athletic form of cheerleading — technically known as competitive cheer — evolves into a sport with rigorous competitions and standards, college athletics programs will be able to count the new teams for the purposes of complying with Title IX, the federal law banning gender discrimination in education.

The development could provide relief to institutions that have struggled to show they are offering enough opportunities for women, who make up 53 percent of students at Division I institutions, but just 46 percent of all athletes. …

Yet even as the idea has been met with enthusiasm, a fight has broken out between two groups competing to have their vision approved by the N.C.A.A. Each of the proposals calls for athletic displays that incorporate elements of traditional cheerleading, like flips and pyramids, but the groups differ over how to administer and run the new sport.

One group, USA Cheer, is backed by Varsity Brands, a for-profit company that sells pompoms and uniforms and has been running competitions for high school and college cheerleaders for decades. The other group is the National Collegiate Athletics and Tumbling Association, which comprises six universities that have been competing against one another for the last couple of years and have the support of USA Gymnastics. …

read more – Born on Sideline, Cheering Clamors to Be Sport

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Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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