NIT Gymnastics Results

Eight all-around champions were crowned at the 2011 Junior Olympic National Invitational Tournament (NIT), held in conjunction with the Women’s National Junior Olympic Championships, at the Long Beach Sports Arena.

The Junior Olympic NIT was developed to allow an additional 192 athletes an opportunity to compete at the national level and features gymnasts who ranked eighth and ninth in the all-around in each of the eight age divisions at the Level 10 Regional Championships (provided they achieved a minimum all-around score of 34.00), plus any Regional individual event champions who did not qualify to the Junior Olympic Nationals or the Junior Olympic NIT in the all-around qualify for that event.

The competition features eight age divisions (Junior A, Junior B, Junior C, Junior D, Senior A, Senior B, Senior C and Senior D), which are determined by age and birth date. …

  • Complete Results
  • USAG

    Chelsea Averna

    Many NCAA coaches attended this meet, including some of the top schools. They know there are good gymnasts in this pool of athletes.

    Published by

    Rick Mc

    Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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