Shawn Johnson on espnW

Amy Van Deusen, Gymnastics editor, interviewed Shawn for espnW:

… espnW: What is your typical day like now? Are you back to full training?

SJ: I’m doing four hours of gymnastics training a day, six days a week and then an extra two to three hours in a fitness center as well. So, I’m working really hard to get my fitness level back and my gymnastics skills back. Outside of gymnastics, I do a lot of elliptical, running, Pilates and yoga. And I do relaxing stuff, like sitting in the sauna, getting massages and acupuncture — the fun stuff!

espnW: Do you feel like you’re still trying to build up your strength and flexibility to where it was in 2008?

SJ: Yes, I’m still trying to build it back. I’m a completely different body type. I’ve grown up; I’m not a little girl. So getting back into shape is definitely different. But I’m also trying to be a different body this time. I don’t want to be all power and muscle. I’m trying to get some of that grace and artistry in there. That’s something you can never get enough of, and I’ll always be working on. …

read the full interview – Shawn Johnson training for 2012

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Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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