Cheng Fei is back

The greatest Chinese specialist of all time is competing again. She’s targeting the World University Games, scheduled for August in China.

… Not quite her peak form yet, Fei did perform well in the both VT and FX – the only two exercises she participated in yesterday’s test.

Couch Lu also pointed out the issues the team has: too many apparatus specialists , lack of strong AAers and strong vaulter.

Chinese Gymnastics Blog

Some video was posted too.

He Kexin showed double twisting Yurchenko, however. And is quite strong on Floor.

In another Chinese Gymnastics Blog post, MAG judge Shao Bin is confident on defending himself in Lausanne this week. It’s the Disciplinary Investigation on his changing scores at the Asian Games, escalating a Chinese gymnast (Zhang Chenglong) to a tie for Gold on Floor. It’s been referred to as a score fixing scandal though Shao Bin strongly denies it.

You can imagine how happy Beijing is with the International Gymnastics Federation these days. Adrian Stoica lodged this complaint after the meet, rather than handling it on site. At the time. … Not to mention China being stripped of the 2000 Olympic medal.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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