April Fools Day

I don’t often link to Elite Gymnastics Stars because it’s so profane and over the top.

Sarah posts wild, lengthy The Onion style comedy pieces.

You truly need a sick sense of humour to enjoy them. Here’s a sample, written by a friend of the site, Michelle:

Why was Svetlana Khorkina truly bigger than the sport?

There was only one Khorkina, and there will never be another. …

Ah Svetlana Khorkina . . . I miss her. I wish we could borrow her to infuse some life into U.S. women’s gymnastics, which is sorely lacking in so much, in spite of the medal wins and numerical successes of the athletes under the current and recent Code of Points. …

You may have loved to hate her – after all, she had the absolute worst sportsmanship known to exist in the history of the sport, and she expressed it openly in the press and at competitions when she walked around yelling, pouting and otherwise crying and ripping silver medals from around her neck in disgust before she even got off the upper floor area. …

read on at peril to your mortal soul – We need another Khorkina!

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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