MarsEdit blogging software


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Every year or so I experiment with offline blogging software, usually MarsEdit, as that seems to be the most popular on the Mac platform ($40). (The main competitor, Ecto, is only $20.)

There is a bit of a learning curve in using MarsEdit. But I think I’m willing to spend the time to learn it. Finally.


• it’s faster to work offline

live preview while you edit

• you can set up a “template” to duplicate the look and feel of your actual blog


• no option to open links in a new window

• the resulting HTML text is more complex, more difficult to go back and edit

Leave a comment if you’ve a better solution to write blog posts offline. This post was written with MarsEdit. See any problem with it?

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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