coach as EDU-tainer

I’m loving Wayne Goldsmith’s blog, despite the name – Sports Coaching Brain.

It’s cutting edge stuff.

Coaches, teachers and instructors around the World are experiencing frustrating times coming to terms with the rapid changes in society …

Look at the average ten year old today.

He watches television. Turns it off. Turns on his Nintendo DS. Flicks off the DS and turns on his computer. Gets bored after ten minutes, turns on the television again and watches a video or DVD while listening to a CD.
Kids in this century are living in a world of constant stimulation. …

The Game Boy

What do we do as coaches with short attention span athletes?

Wayne offers some great ideas:

Practical Coaching Tips

All athletes love training camps….
Look to add variety to old sessions, old routines and old drills. …

Have coaches from other sports (similar in nature to your sport) come to your sessions …

Invite and accept input from athletes …

Encourage and develop a club and athlete social program …

Encourage the development of the person …

Try to incorporate Game Sense

Change the training environment to stimulate an environment of learning …

Look for innovative and creative ways to take advantage of the new skills and abilities “computer kids” are developing. …

“Sell” parents and athletes on the positive aspects of personal development that sport offers.

read the details – Coaching in the Century of Entertainment

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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