book review – Chasing Impossible Dreams

by site editor Rick McCharles

Coach Jim Holt (Seattle) sent me a review copy. Jim’s been a friend for decades. I knew I’d enjoy his gymnastics autobiography.

A book of Jim Holt’s memoirs about his two decades striving for the international development of gymnastics. It is an extraordinary saga of inspiring and (often) hilarious efforts to change the world through sport. …

Anyone who knows Jim Holt knows that he does not do what he does for money. He’s in it for love of the sport. Jim’s got the #1 “talent” required of a gymnastics coach: irrational dedication.

I was immediately charmed by the many typos and the conversational tone of the book. Jim Holt is talking to me personally.

He’s a terrific raconteur. Intelligent. Witty. Eloquent. Engaging.

(His many references to literature and classic movies may turn off some younger readers, though.)

Jim’s led Olympic Solidarity coaching courses in 9 nations. I’ve so far led 2 courses and am booked for Saudi Arabia this Fall. His anecdotes and misadventures in Bolivia, Chile, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Yemen and Egypt (amongst others) were the highlights of the book for me.

Read an excerpt – Fun in Bolivia

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to any gymnastics buff, especially older coaches who’ve lived through similar personal gymnastics disasters.

Jim’s subtitle is “An Odyssey in International Sport“. Indeed, he’s a hero to me. His accomplishments as a coach are extraordinary considering the obstacles overcome.

The only sour notes are in Chapter 14. Jim’s failed (so far) attempt to be awarded an “FIG Diploma”. … And his too harsh critique of the F.I.G. Academy Program, currently run by the best man at his wedding, Hardy Fink.

Sour grapes?

If you are looking for an exposé of international gymnastics you’ll be disappointed. There are plenty of examples of corruption, petty greed, cronyism, miscommunication and epic inefficiency … but also much love.

Jim Holt even has some good words for Grandi. How about that?

What is Jim doing today?

Chasing impossible dreams, of course. Last time I saw him was at the Canadian National Championships. He’s coaching 2008 Olympian Nashwan al-Harazi from Yemen.

Jim’s bags are packed. If you need an experienced coach, contact him via the official website: ($22.45 USD)

Keep speaking truth to power, Jim!

related post → profile – Jim and Hannah Holt

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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