USA Gymnastics finally supports Cal Gymnastics

Some criticized USAG for not jumping on the bandwagon in supporting threatened Cal Berkeley Gymnastics.

They now have … guardedly.

USA Gymnastics statement regarding University of California, Berkeley gymnastics

USA Gymnastics is aware of the challenges intercollegiate athletics in general, and gymnastics specifically, may face at the University of California, Berkeley, as well as some of the initial efforts of support for the gymnastics programs. We are speaking with the athletic director to understand the circumstances and the most effective way to address them. Once we have a better understanding of the matter, we will work with the appropriate entities to develop a full-fledged and targeted effort.

Steve Penny
USA Gymnastics

Go to Cal Gymnastics Forever to find out how you can help save that fantastic College Gymnastics program.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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