gymnastics – tumbling handcuffs

If last year you told me I would be linking to notorious coach Al Fong all the time, I’d have called you crazy.

But I’m really enjoying his frequent blog posts.

For example, on this post – Versatile StrapsAl recommends “tumbling handcuffs”, bar safety straps used on a tumbling trampoline.

Click PLAY or watch the drill on YouTube.

This works great for beginners. Later we’re going to want the kids to use shoulder flexion / extension to add power.

In extreme drills, coaches slide the strap down to the neck. This “locks” the arms in an extended position, but can be scary for beginners. Use with caution. I still recall a young gymnast at a training camp freaking out trying that for the first time. (… Come to think of it, I’m going back to his gym this Summer, surprised they’re inviting me back.)

related – Open Shoulder Trainer (invented by coach Peter Soul)

details – TumblTrak $24.95

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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