Ashley Postell now a power tumbler

The former Utah star jumped into a new sport. Apparently Elite Gymnastics and the NCAA weren’t enough to convince her to retire.

Only to hang up her grips.

… Postell dabbled with both trampoline and power tumbling – sports which involve many of the same skills as gymnastics but require less of a time commitment. Power tumbling came more naturally, so Postell shelved the trampoline challenge for a later date. …

Utah’s Postell takes a tumble

Her goal is to qualify to VISA Championships for the first time, … first time as a tumbler, that is.

Almost 24yrs-old, Ashley coaches at Black Diamond Gymnastics in Park City Utah.


Disclosure: I’d finished writing this post before realizing that Black Diamond is a club website built by one of our advertisers, Direct Works Media.
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Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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