best EU Junior Bar routines

In a continuing series on the gymnastics issues blog:

I think the Russian Team as a whole will be points ahead of everyone else on this apparatus. The top 2 should be Viktoria Komova annd Anastasia Grishina. The rest of the team are also good on bars and are worthy of the bars final if one of the top 2 messes up in qualification: Anastasia Sidorova (D Score: 5.40), Maria Paseka (D Score 5.80) and Violetta Malikova (D Score: 5.90).

Although it will be close I think Komova will win ahead of Grishina but either way they are both excellent on this piece and have start values of 6.50 …

The second best routine, he feels, is Anastasia Grishina. Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.

With very similar construction, the #1 pick is Viktoriya Komova (VIDEO).

read commentary with more video links – gymnastics issues – What are the best in Europe doing? – Junior Bars


Those two Russians are “front-runners for the All Around titles in the junior category” too. Check the astonishingly detailed statistical analysis done by The All Around in advance of European Championships – WAG Europeans preview

That site is doing an unbelievable amount of coverage worldwide in different languages.

Thanks to Publisher / Executive Editor Elizabeth Long. And News Editors Albert Minguillón i Colomer and Nora Schuler. We appreciate all your work. Especially on Facebook where you break many stories first.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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