Jr Men – European Championships

Looks like hosts Great Britain will win the Team competition. Russia, the pre-meet favourites, sadly could not travel to the competition. It would have been close, I think.

5 in a team, 5 to compete each apparatus and 3 scores to count. FIG Junior Code, prohibited skills, short routines and C dismounts. A new game to be played. …

Great Britain holding an unprecedented 9.7 point lead after the second sub division. For GBR now a long wait until ten o clock this evening. France and Switzerland will have to have something special to shift the British boys sitting team 1st and ranks 1,2,3 5 and 8. This is an amazing team.

Sam Oldham (GBR) “I think we’ve done really well. It was nerve-wracking at first but its great to have friends and family cheering you on and once the first piece is out of the way the nerves go.It’s going to be a long wait to see if we’ve won but things look good at the moment.” …

There’s so much good news out of the UK these days. Kudos and congratulations.

British Gymnastics – GBR boys take strong lead after 2nd subdivision!

Photo from From the album: Junior Men’s Qualifications by British Gymnastics on Facebook.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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