save Illinois High School Gymnastics

Update: crisis averted

The Steering Committee has been in contact with the IHSA this morning with regards to the “5 to 10%” issue.

The IHSA has assured us that they are not targeting boys gymnastics and has no plan to eliminate any sport.

The Board of Directors is well-aware of the passion that is out there for gymnastics and the storm of emails from coaches, athletes, parents, AD’s and principals over the past few days has driven that home.

At this point, we need to take a deep breath and ease up on the tension; yet remain on our guard for any future actions or decisions by the IHSA.

More details about this will follow at the meeting Wednesday.

On behalf of the Steering Committee and Executive Board, I can’t thank you enough for your rapid and wide-reaching response.

It is a testament to the tenacity and intensity of our Association.

Steve Foerch
Science Teacher, Varsity Boys Gymnastics Coach
IHSGCA President
Niles West High School

=== original post:

A vote today – Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 – may result in the elimination of the entire State program.

You might be able to help.

Here’s the appeal letter:

The IHSA — the governing body that oversees high school sports in Illinois — is considering making a rule change that would drastically impact boys (and girls) gymnastics.

Currently the sport must field boys gymnastics teams from at least 5% of the schools in the state in order for the IHSA to officially sanction our sport.

The proposal — which will be voted on this coming Tuesday, April 20th — would increase that requirement from 5% to 10%.

There is no way that boys gymnastics can reach the 10% target next year.

If this proposal passes, boys gymnastics would most likely be dropped by the IHSA and would cease to exist as a high school sport in Illinois.

Please help us convince the IHSA Board of Directors to vote down this proposal and keep the participation threshold at 5%. We need your support.

Please email each of the board members listed below and:

· Tell them what this sport has done for your son/daughter

· Urge them to continue to support boys and girls gymnastics

· Urge them to keep the sport¹s participation threshold at 5%

IHSA Board of Directors

Jim Woodward President
Ron Conner Vice President
Paul Whittington Secretary
Gregory Bradley Treasurer (Non-Voting)
Joyce Kenner
Daniel Klett
Michael Gardner
Jim Boyd
Gregory Jones
Jeanette Nuckolls
Joseph Schmidt

I’ll email them tonight. Please do too, if you support High School Gymnastics.

Thanks Maria Mazzocco.

athletes benefiting from the program

Illinois High School Gymnastics Coaches Association

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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