dumb USA Level 9 Bars rule

Judy Schalk is an American Artistic Brevet Judge.

She is happy to answer questions from coaches and gymnasts posted in the comment box at JustGymnastics.com .

Or you can email Inquiries @ JustGymnastics.com.


From Judge Judy:

Recently a coach approached me at a competition about a seemingly inexplicable Start Value issue. He had two Level 9’s doing identical uneven bar exercises as often is the case according to a club’s skill development strategy.

One gymnast fell off and got a Start Value 0.50 higher than the one that stayed on, essentially putting them in equal scoring range.


Level 9 bars has a 0.50 Special Requirement for “2 Bar Changes (LB to HB, HB to LB).”

The coach knew the routine only had 1 Bar Change and should have received the 0.50 lower Start Value. He was not aware of an obscure rule that states,

“After a fall, climbing onto the low bar, then jump to high bar is considered a bar change.”

According to that statement, had he lifted the gymnast up to the high bar after the fall, she would not have qualified for the 0.50 addition to her Start Value.

I have no idea why this counterintuitive rule is in the book but it awards a Special Requirement for committing a large error, a fall, and encourages an undignifiedclimb onto the apparatus rather than the permitted assistance from the coach directly to the high bar.

Don’t consider Judge Judy’s interpretation as “official”. Double check in your own Region.

Leave a comment if you have “dumb rules” in your own competitions.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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