why no UNBREAKABLE Rings?

Girls Bars no longer break. Why can’t equipment companies invent a Ring that cannot be broken?

Inside Gymnastics has the sad details on exactly what went down after Illinois’ Tyler Williamson broke one of the rings during the Team Championships last night:

… “I’ve been doing NCAA meets for over 20 years and I’ve never seen anything like this,” Williams concluded. “Ultimately, I don’t want to take anything away from the winning team, yet I know we might have had a shot without that incident. Michigan was great two days in a row and maintained that momentum, even in the midst of all that. My hat is off to them for that.” …

Photo by Jessica Frankl

In the end, 6 gymnasts “peeled” off during the competition. All 6 were offered a chance to repeat their Rings routines, taking the new score (better or worse).

Tyler Williamson insisted on his redo. But it was MIDNIGHT before he got to start. Yeesh.

“That was one of the top 10 strangest things I’ve ever seen,” Olympic gold medalist Bart Conner, who was calling the meet for ESPN, told Inside. …

read Inside Gymnastics – ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL

Despite the disaster, Michigan truly did have the magic. Congratulations to the NCAA Champions.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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