Suzanne Yoculan on Gymnastics Judges

I watched Georgia video highlights of what coach Jay Clark called an “ugly win” over Stanford.

McCool looks ready. It was interesting to compare the veteran’s solid Beam against rookie Shayla Worley.

I still think Shayla needs to mature quickly if Georgia is to win again this season. The competition will be tougher in 2010 than last season, it seems to me. It’s not easy replacing Kupets, even with a team of superstars.

I’ve also been looking forward to the retired Georgia coach turning commentator. She’s straight spoken, sometimes outspoken. And very entertaining.

Will she dish on College judges now that she no longer has to fear grudges?

From her blog:

… I’m sure most of my readers will think I’m going to unload on what a poor job they do.

If that’s what you think, you’re absolutely wrong. I think college gymnastics judges are people of tremendous skill and integrity. …


… I believe the judging in college gymnastics today is the most accurate and fairest judging of any sport, college or professional. …

read more – The Ladies and Gentlemen in the Blue Coats

Judging in College Women’s Gymnastics is … weird. But simplistic. They only take “obvious” deductions, carefully defined. And ranking a relative low number of competitors is relatively easy.

At $200 / meet, not a bad part-time job.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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