MAG Coaching Clinic DVD

video preview – “How to beat China”

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This is a video of the 2007 Jr MAG Tirrenia training camp, hosted by the European Union of Gymnastics held in Italy every year. This DVD was produced specifically for the Swiss Gymnatics Federation, and thus has only partial translation in English. Majority of DVD is in German and some French, with very limited english translations. However a lot of the concepts and ideas are understandable even without a translation. …

POMMEL HORSE- presented by Valeri Belenki (GER)(Former Olympic and World Champion and member of the German coaching staff) (8min)

PARALLEL BARS – Valeri Belenki (GER) (16min)

HIGH BAR – presented by Rudolph Bouché (FRA) (professor of sport and technical framework at the Training Center of Antibes) (12min)

45min total – DVD costs $25

details – The Gym Press – “How to beat China” 2007 Tirrenia Training Camp

If you haven’t checked it lately, there’s a ton of great stuff in The Gym Press Article Archive and Video Archive.

Thanks Valentin Uzunov, editor, one of the most serious students of our game.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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