is Cheerleading safe?

ABC Nightline posted this article on Jan. 4th.

Most Dangerous ‘Sport’ of All May Be Cheerleading
With No Regulatory Framework in Place, Cheerleading ER Visits Have Skyrocketed

Currently Cheer is the target of a lot of negative press, some of it deserved.

In the past Trampoline Sports were a media target. At other times, elite Women’s Artistic Gymnastics. Many times I challenge comparatively uninformed journalists when they make misstatements.

But it’s hard to dispute much in the ABC videoWhen the Cheering Stops (8min)

Embedding disabled by request of ABC

I do think Cheer needs to do better at training and certifying coaches, especially in tumbling.

On the other hand, there are a surprising number of superb coaches and athletes for a comparatively new sport. Some of the spotters are as good as the best Artistic coaches.

Georgia Tech v Miami

Over the past 10yrs I’ve been converted to a Cheer fan. It’s wonderful to see so many hundreds of thousands of athletes participating.

Update: Check the comments. Geoffrey Taucer feels different.

We need to do more to educate the general public on the health benefits of Cheer.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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