Whip It – roller derby movie

A friend gave a positive review for Drew Barrymore’s Directorial debut, Whip It.

He found it a positive girl coming of age/sports movie. As you know, there are far too few roles for females in Hollywood films. (Love interest and Princess)

The star is Ellen Page, who I loved as the title character in the film Juno. On The Simpsons she cameoed as a character named Alaska Nebraska, a parody of Hannah Montana.

In Whip It she plays Bliss, a rebellious Texas teen who throws in her small town beauty pageant crown for the rowdy world of roller derby.

Click PLAY or watch the trailer on YouTube.

At my gym one of the Moms joined a Roller Derby team. Got fit. Loves it.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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