watch Fake It or Break It online

If you live in the USA, you might be able to watch the premiere episode online for free.

ABC Family’s new Gymnastics TV series Make it or Break It debuted …

This is an exciting drama is set in the high stakes world of competitive gymnastics and follows a group of elite teenage gymnasts as they deal with parents, boyfriends, coaches, rivalry and betrayal. If you missed it … you can watch it online at… ABC Family

GK Elite

Some in the comments on the ABC page report problems on their computer.

In the USA you can buy the episode from the iTunes store.


In Canada I can neither stream nor buy the show. That’s frustrating. It’s an ethical dilemma whether or not to download an unofficial copy FREE …

Companies like ABC that cannot organize a way to conveniently sell product that is infinitely reproducible at no cost should not be surprised when fans find a workaround.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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