ban TCO … aka apolytongp ??

by site editor Rick McCharles

This is one of the few interactive gymnastics websites where a regular commenter who goes by the name TCO … or, more recently, as apolytongp … has not been “banned” or, at least, edited.

At a key stroke I could ban him too.

But I don’t want to at this time.

He’s boring. Repetitious.

An Amerocentric war monger.

A gymnastics substance abuse conspiracy theorist.

On the other hand, apolytongp’s many times been first to find gymnastics stories on the internet. He’s passionate. We’ve had some very good conversations online.

The internet is all about giving EVERYONE an equal voice. Even apolytongp. He’s trying to limit the profanity on my request. I appreciate that.

I just wish he’d start his own blog. We’d all then be able to leave our comments there.

Note that the comments are pretty much “buried” on this site. Most people don’t read them. I rarely read comments on sites other than this one, especially YouTube.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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