Japan was robbed


How disappointing.

A fantastic Men’s team final at the World Gymnastics Championships was ruined by the Horizontal Bar judges.

Team Results

full results (PDF)

The battle for team gold came down to the final routine on Horizontal Bar, former World Champion Zhang Chenglong.

He hit. But not perfectly. It was clear that Japan had won the team competition.

Yet (somehow) the H Bar panel came up with an impossible score of 15.966.

15.966 was far too high. The highest score of the competition, so far. Impossibly high.

It will be obvious to anyone when we compare Uchimura’s vs Chenglong’s routines and scores.

ZHANG – 7.500 + 8.466 = 15.966
UCHIMURA – 6.900 + 8.500 = 15.400
(full results)

When we compare the E-scores. 😦

Japan was robbed.

I’ll forever regard JPN as the legitimate winners of the World Championships 2014.

Here’s the Judging panel.

HUANG Liping (CHN) – Horizontal Bar Supervisor

E1 TSAI Heng Cheng (TPE)
E2 LESIV Genadi (BLR)
E4 IANEZ RAMOS Miguel Angel (ESP)
E5 ??

The E panel should be sanctioned for handing out an impossible score.

This is worse than the Uchimura pommel dismount scandal at the 2012 Olympics.

On par with the Dragalescu 2nd Vault scandal at the 2004 Olympics. Four judges were sanctioned that time.

I’m disgusted. 😦

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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