STEROID NATION – is gymnastics clean?

Performance enhancing drugs are an increasing problem. They are more widely available than ever before.

Kids are going to be hurt.

What can we do to help?

Longtime reader TKO sent me a link to the latest steroid tell-all book.

STEROID NATION: Juiced Home Run Totals, Anti-aging Miracles, and a Hercules in Every High School: The Secret History of America's True Drug Addiction STEROID NATION: Juiced Home Run Totals, Anti-aging Miracles, and a Hercules in Every High School: The Secret History of America’s True Drug Addiction: Books: Shaun Assael

One of the best things about Artistic gymnastics, I believe, is that no one yet has confirmed the existence of a strength enhancing drug. Steroids, in particular, don’t work.

I only know this from a coaching seminar with Dieter Hofmann, long time Head Coach of Men’s and Women’s Gymnastics Teams in East Germany.

In the 1970s the sports scientists arrived to see him, wanting to “test” some new drugs on his athletes. He was forced to let a group of Junior male Artistic gymnasts try what many other East German athletes were using in that era.

Within months the experiment was over, the researchers convinced there were no benefits. Only soreness and unwanted muscle bulk. They left Dieter alone, after that.

If I’m wrong, please leave a comment at the bottom of this post.

Proven instances of coaches or athletes using substances on the banned list, I’d like to post on this site.

Published by

Rick Mc

Career gymnastics coach who loves the outdoors, and the internet.

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